Fishing Venture flourishes with DOLE’s Kabuhayan Program

by janice jan

One of the strategies of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to rescue children from worst forms of labor and hazardous work conditions is to provide their parents with Livelihood Starter Kits worth P20,000.00, through the DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program (DILP) or Kabuhayan Program.

Glocila Barail, one of the program beneficiaries from Barangay Adecor, Island Garden City of Samal (IGaCos), Davao del Norte, was granted a fishing business in 2023, driven by a desire to build a sustainable livelihood for her family. The program provided Glocila with essential fishing materials to start her business.

Six months into the program, Glocila proudly announced that the increased fish catch, and business growth had enabled her to purchase additional fishnets and a new fishing boat engine.

During a recent comprehensive monitoring session conducted by DOLE XI-IGACOS Extension Office, Glocila expressed her gratitude for the support she received. “I am thankful for the assistance given to us by DOLE XI through DILEEP. Within six months, we have not only sustained our fishing activities but have also managed to invest in new fishing nets and a boat engine,” she shared.

The Livelihood Monitoring and Evaluation is part of DILP’s third phase, along with project operationalization and provision of resources, in its operational framework. The first phase includes advocacy activities, identification of beneficiaries, and project negotiation.

The second phase covers organization strengthening, convergence planning, and enhancement training. While the fourth and final phase encompasses project benefit and impact evaluation.

Glocila’s journey underscores the transformative power of DOLE’s programs and services. Her story exemplifies the program’s goal to provide individuals with the tools they need to build sustainable livelihoods and improve their quality of life. Upon receiving the livelihood grant, Glocila’s child was immediately withdrawn from child labor and is presently active in school.

In a statement, Regional Director Atty. Randolf C. Pensoy emphasized how aspiring entrepreneurs can draw valuable lessons from Glocila’s experience—lessons of leveraging familial traditions, embracing community support, and seizing opportunities presented by targeted programs like DILP.

“Her story encourages others to set sail on their entrepreneurial journeys, armed with determination and community support. And like Glocila, they can also turn their aspirations into reality,” he added.

In 2023, DOLE XI was able to help some 766 parents and guardians of child laborers through the DILP. (PR)

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