Are Lockdowns Useless?

by Ellon Labana


Written by Mart Shalom E. Bernales

Are Lockdowns Useless?. Bayan Muna Representative Carlos Zarate blatantly expressed on Saturday, April 3, that the implementation of lockdowns is rather pointless if the government does not apply drastic measures in combatting the Covid-19 pandemic.

           “Without free mass testing, aggressive contact tracing, effective isolation and treatment and fast-tracked vaccination rollout, lockdowns are pointless.” Zarate said following the reimplementation of ECQ in the nation’s capital and its neighboring towns to give medical frontliners a breather in the battle against Covid-19.     

           The representative confronted that the financial aid has not reached its rightful recipients now that the lockdown has reached its 7th day.

           “The people are suffering. The government must hasten up the distribution of the financial aids.” Rep. Zarate said.

Photo Credits to: Michelle Abad

Zarate also pointed out that the same militarist pandemic response is ineffective, and the national government is still adhering to it. Furthermore, the Philippines’ number of cases has just passed the 800,000 mark, with 15,000 new cases yesterday alone for an all-time high.

           “At the current rate, it is very likely that more people are infected but haven’t been tested yet.” The lawmaker stated.

           “We need 120,000 to 130,000 people tested daily to identify who were infected and with that, we can be more capable of containing the virus.” Zarate suggested.

           In response to the statements of Zarate, Malacañang Palace reassured the Filipinos via Spokesperson Harry Roque that the government is doing its best to provide aid to the needy and to get rid of the Covid-19 for good.

           Meanwhile, as the number of cases continues to rise day after day, doctors urge the administration to utilize hotels as a temporary holding area for suspected and diagnosed Covid-19 patients in a desperate bid to contain the deadly virus.

           “We are overwhelmed already.” Said Dr. Maricar Limpin, Vice President of the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP).

           “The President can encourage hotel owners to convert their properties into temporary quarantine area and setting up modular tents to help accommodate Covid-19 patients.” Limpin added as she also made the point that there are also non-Covid related cases that need to be looked upon, and the hospital beds are nearly maxed out if it is not already.

           Dr. Limpin has already mailed the President a letter for assistance to provide additional medicines and manpower to combat the current pandemic.

           In addition to the gradual increase of diagnosed cases, OCTA Research has issued a warning to the public that the number of cases in the Philippines could reach 1 million by the end of the month though the reimplementation of the lockdowns in certain cities and modified quarantine measures has somehow eased the rapid spread of the virus.

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