Father killed his 2 children on Christmas Day at Taguig

by Ellon Labana

That’s an excerpt from the song Christmas with Satan. Supposedly, every child should enjoy Christmas but the pandemic becomes a hindrance to totally celebrate the occasion. And what if this so-called Christmas might be even darker for the 2 young children?

On December 25, 2020, Aiko Siacunco, a 29 year old resident in North Signal, somewhere in Taguig, surrendered himself to authorities after hanging his two children to death.

His wife hanged herself last Thursday and it’s too hard for him to lose her. he’s unemployed. Before that tragedy happened, this couple quarreled too often. The wife, who was a call center agent, blamed Aiko for not finding employment since she was the sole one working for them.

Photo from Taguig Police

According to Aiko, they’re both depressed due to financial problems and it’s become harder for him to get that her wife hanged itself. rather than mourning for the loss of the sunshine of home, he hanged his one-year-old and three-year-old children because he’s so problematic on the way to raise the 2 of them.

He also planned to hanged himself, too but he survived. Sadly, the 2 little angels didn’t.

The suspect will face parricide charges consistent with Police Colonel Celso Rodriguez.

Every sin requires punishment but punishment would never bring back the lives taken. regardless of how delusional it’s, it’s better to possess Santa than Satan on Christmas.

Source: Facebook

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