Green technology to preserve fresh fruits now available

by Admin-Phmp

An alternative to petroleum wax coatings to make fresh fruits last longer is now available from local startup HS InnoTech, Inc. (HSII).

Manufactured by University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)-based inventors who founded HSII, Fruitect® consists of agricultural waste-derived edible coating formulations that delay the ripening of mangoes and bananas.

With its Grants for Research towards Agricultural Innovative Solutions (GRAINS), the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) supported HSII to start the operation of its pilot plant located in UPLB, Los Baños, Laguna. Awarded in 2022, the SEARCA grant funded the fabrication of support structures and test runs to produce up to 300 liters of Fruitect®.

The pilot plant will produce Fruitect® in liquid form, making it convenient for direct application onto whole fresh fruits.

Moreover, Fruitect® will also be available as a wettable powder for easier packaging, distribution, and longer shelf life. HSII is now exploring ways to cut production costs.

Dr. Veronica Sabularse and Dr. Hidelisa Hernandez, the inventors of Fruitect®, said their technology, which is derived from peels and leaves, is a solution to two common agricultural problems—how to extend postharvest life and use agricultural waste.

Carabao mangoes stored at room temperature (28oC–31oC) turn ripe and sweet five to six days after harvesting, but when mangoes are coated with Fruitect®, the fruits ripen after 10 or more days. At cooler storage temperatures, the Fruitect®-coated fruits ripen after 20 days.

Meanwhile, Lakatan bananas stored at room temperature turn ripe and ready to eat six or more days after harvesting, while bananas coated with Fruitect® start to ripen after 20 days.

“By preserving the freshness of fruits sold to consumers, the technology promises better earnings and improved livelihood of our local farmers,” the inventors explained.

SEARCA Director Dr. Glenn Gregorio noted the impact of the Fruitect® technology, emphasizing that the “nature-based coating technology significantly contributes to reducing food wastage and preserving fruit exports.”

“We applaud the inventors who bring their technologies and innovation to the field and transform the agricultural industry,” Gregorio said.

The Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) provided initial funding for the development of Fruitect®, which aimed to leverage nanotechnology in the creation of innovative materials intended for commercial use.

HSII has announced that it is ready to sell its Fruitect® formulation for carabao mangoes. Fruitect® for Lakatan banana will also be for sale soon.(PR)

PHOTO CAPTION: Coating mangoes and bananas with Fruitect® delays the start of ripening to 10 or more days after harvest.

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