Indie films streaming platform and DOSTv partner EdukSine win 2023 ASIA CEO Awards

by Admin-Phmp

Love for films, love for country, love for the future generations. It was love that drove the creation of the country’s only streaming platform for all Filipino independent films, EdukSine.

It all began with this vision and conviction: Good films can build a great nation. Socially relevant films can press people to reflect, inspire the powerless to be empowered, cultivate a generation of critical thinkers, unleash the voice of the voiceless, teach people to be upright and ethical, awaken one’s love for country, and more. For the Philippines to be great, independent films that tell worth-telling stories should get the support that they deserve.

However, the harsh reality is that the world is a place of cruel struggle for independent filmmakers who do not have a platform and marketing resources for their films. People from remote areas often must endure long and expensive rides just to access indie films in a cinema house.

To bridge these gaps, the country’s only hybrid streaming platform for independent films EdukSine was created. EdukSine Production Corporation is a leading technology company in the Philippines dedicated to revolutionizing film distribution and cultural preservation. Just last Saturday, October 28, one of the prestigious business awards in Asia honored EdukSine as the 2023 Asia CEO Awards’ Technology Company of the Year.

Game-changer EdukSine’s devotion to bring indie films closer to Filipinos has innovated the community of filmmakers – from democratizing people’s access to indie films, transforming the educational and cultural landscape of the Philippines, up to championing meaningful and diverse narratives – it has become the voice of the voiceless, and the power of the powerless.

“We won because we have big, passionate and generous hearts and unselfishness, and we did not build a startup to be famous but to serve our community, bless and touch people’s lives through films and help solve the film distribution problems in the film industry,” said EdukSine’s CEO and Founder Karen Jane Salutan.

EdukSine also celebrated their remarkable achievement with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) who provided them grants under the Women-Helping Women: Innovating Social Enterprise (WHWise). This led to the development of the EdukSine app and streaming website which enabled the company to reach more Filipinos across the globe.

Department of Science and Technology-Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII)’s DOSTv: Science For the People is also EdukSine’s partner in using the power of films to promote science, technology and innovation to the public. DOSTv’s public service program Siyensikat: Pinoy Popular Science Para sa Lahat and documentary program SineSiyensya is aired via EdukSine.

Catch indie films about education, gender and development, HIV and sex education, women empowerment, history, martial law, romance, LGBT rights, and more only at EdukSine. They conduct block screenings in three ways: online, face-to-face, and hybrid. For inquiries, contact # (By Lourdes Nadonga, DOST-STII)

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