The Toni and Alex Gonzaga Way

by Ellon Labana


Written By RB Jane

By similarities and differences from each other, both from one family and raise together.

Toni and Alex Gonzaga both work their way up in the show business industry one step at a time. The parents’ contentious guidance as they also serve as their manager helps a lot in the sisters’ careers’ success story.

Toni Gonzaga or Celestine Cruz Gonzaga is the Gonzaga family tag’s firstborn as Philippine showbiz Multi-media star. 

After she won in a singing contest, she rose to fame, followed her special shout “I love you Piolo!” in a TV advertisement for Sprite. 

Channeling her versatility in acting, hosting, and singing, she found at home with any corner in the industry. 

She married her longtime boyfriend of 8 years, Director Paul Soriano, last June 12, 2015, at Taytay, Rizal’s United Methodist Church, where the family is religiously attending. 

Today, Toni is a happy wife and a mother to her son, Severiano Elliott which she gave birth on September 30, 2016 

 Alex Gonzaga, the youngest, just like her sister, entered the industry in her teen years; unlike her sister, she strives hard to gain her own name because she also excels in her sister’s likes. Her struggle turns into an emotional breakdown and breakthrough that enables her to have a leap in her career.  

She became her own and star to numerous projects, including movies, series, albums, hosting stint, and also publish her own book. Her natural appeal and very light personality draw positivity and happiness to people around her.

With nearly 10 million followers on her YouTube channel, Alex Gonzaga is one of the country’s most influential bloggers. 

She is married to Lipa City Counselor Michael “Mikee” Morada; last November of 2020 at the Gonzaga Residence attended only the immediate family because of the pandemic’s restriction.

 Today, both Toni and Alex are very hands-on with their individual social media accounts, where they share the happenings in their lives and share values that are very timely and relevant for all the girls. 

These parents’ values and all aspects that shape their lives make them a different species in the industry’s crazy world with virtuous cycles that might break or make someone. 

Chasing dreams and building your name doesn’t need to lose your values, weather on making choices and decisions mostly when paving your life to future longevity.

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