Kim Chiu Regrets On Not Having Her College Degree

by Ellon Labana


Written by RB Jane 

Kim Chiu’s regrets on not having her college degree are just one of her sharing about herself answering Google most ask questions about her.

Kim is one of the most influential artists in the country, named as the Philippine showbiz’s “Chinita Princess,” gained her success after winning the PBB teen edition in 2006.

Kim was also recognized as the “Princess of Philippine Movies and TV” for three years 2010, 2012, and 2015.

She entered showbiz at 16, and now in her ’30s, Kim talked about Google’sGoogle’s most search questions about her from where she comes from and how she got discovered. 

Kim’s bubbly nature shines as she did the sit-down video content.  Kim shared that her Taurus innate makes her easy to forgive and not hold things nor grudges to anybody but might spite words when she is angered, that she always chooses to walk away when she is on the verge of losing her temper. 

When the question about where Kim Chiu went to college queued, Kim expresses her regrets as she shares that it is one of her goals to finish and achieve in her life. 

Kimmy says that despite her not able to go to college, she is very proud that she’s been able to send her three siblings to school and finish college, and that is very rewarding for her.

Kim also said that everything happens for a reason and that maybe her destiny is designed this way.

Kim continued with her enrolling in UPOU University of the Philippines Open University, taking Business Management online and studying up to second-year only. Because of numerous school requirements, she decided to stop it. 

Kimmy said that her schedule with that online schooling was on top of her schedules in teleseyre and ASAP tapings but pointed that she never blamed her work because schooling is always in there and that in time she can go back to her schooling and get her college degree. 

She further shared that she never blocked her chances of finishing college but was saddened because her UPOU might already expire and back to 1 as a college girl.

Kim is very proud to say that she passed and was accepted into UP and that is brainy in a way.


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