VIDEO: Ellen Adarna Revealed the Reason for Breaking up with John Lloyd Cruz

by Ellon Labana


But Ellen admits she may be the reason their relationship didn’t work.

This is after Ellen suffered from severe depression after giving birth to Elias.

“Because I had so many issues that have not been resolved, I was projecting it on him,” Ellen said in her interview with

Ellen is the featured celebrity of Preview this January 2021.

After Ellen went through a healing program, she and John Lloyd got along better with each other.

Ellen continued, “Now I’m in a very good place. I can say I’m 100% okay. I feel my environment changed.

“Like his approach to me, my relationship [with him has] changed without asking him to change. So I was just really the problem. How I viewed it, my thinking pattern was the problem.”

Elias is also said to be the biggest reason why Ellen wanted to resolve her issues, especially with John Lloyd.

Ellen said, “My son needs him as much as he needs me. I see their relationship, and I see how happy my son is when he is around. So that’s why I also have to work on myself.

“Because when I had my issues with JL, ‘Okay, if I don’t allow my son to see his father, how will I tell him [it’s] because I had animosity towards [his] father?’ my issues. “

August 2019 when it was first reported that Ellen and John Lloyd had broken up, but there was no confirmation between the two during this time.

In April 2020 their divorce was confirmed when Ellen talked about her non-showbiz boyfriend.

Ellen also shared her co-parenting set-up with John Lloyd, where the actor is with his son twice a week.

According to Ellen, she suffered from severe depression after giving birth to Elias in 2018. It lasted for two years.

Ellen’s past was overlapping. Aside from postpartum depression, Ellen’s father Alan died.

Ellen said, “I’m the only girl and I lost an anchor. Me and my dad, we had a weird but good relationship — tough love, but still a father.”

This is also the time when his relationship with John Lloyd is having problems.

Ellen now admits, “You know, we weren’t compatible, obviously, that’s why we broke up. Of course, any normal breakup hurts. You want things to work.”

To finally heal her bait, Ellen went through counseling.

When her condition did not improve, Ellen joined a healing program called the KoKoro Program in Bali, Indonesia.

March 2020 when Ellen first shared it with her followers on Instagram, where she said she was “stuck in this black hole for almost 3 years.”

With the help of the healing program, Ellen’s condition began to improve.

Currently, Ellen is said to be better at handling any problems that come her way.

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He told, “In the past, I would react very quickly or violently or without thinking. Now, I still feel [the emotions], I’m still human, but I’m better at reacting. I manage it well na.I think I’ve zenned it out.

“I can identify when an emotion is coming: like what am I feeling, how am I feeling, why am I feeling this? If I react like this, what’s the outcome. So that’s all being calculated already. And ever since I had that kind of thinking, things have been so smooth. “

Source: MSN

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