Super Mom Named Candy Pangilinan

by Ellon Labana


Written by RB Jane

Super Mom Named Candy Pangilinan. Carmela “Candy” Espiritu Pangilinan is a Filipina actress and comedian active in the showbiz industry since 1991.

Candy shares that she had her son a year after her marriage, thinking that a child will save a growing marital problem inside her marriage to a partner of 10 years.

Photo from Instagram

The comedian further shared that her husband informed her that he is leaving her soon and leaving her a souvenir referring to her son then in her womb.

Despite Candy suffering from many forms of depression in her pregnancy, she’s been able to collect herself aright and still do her work in acting and delivering the baby.

Her natural comedic stature enables a fun way of telling her story but makes her point clear, honest and concise.

Candy shares that while her baby is growing, her mother told her to let her child be checked because the eyes are unusual and change.

She notices her son’s developmental growing stage is off-ly behind than usual.

During the ninth month of Candy’s baby, she did take her son to be checked and later instructed to fin a developmental doctor.

After she answers all the questions promptly with a therapist about her son, The doctor told Candy that her son is different and was asked if she had any knowledge about ADSD and autism.

Candy stresses that she faces this problem alone, apart from her journey to recover from her marital disputes and that all she said is, “Lets go, Let’s do it.”

Photo from Instagram

After Candy saw that her son’s condition is quite strange and different from the normal, it brings her to ponder.

Candy shares that she is praying “Help!, ” “Lord be a father to me and be a father to Quintin!”  because she also lost a father.

Candy remains very thankful and never blames God’s decision in every corner of her life, but instead, she is always focused on the things that are and should be done.

 Candy says her son Quintin is her miracle in life because it teaches her many things.

Patience, tolerance, and appreciation for simple things in life.

To watch the whole video let’s all watch this.

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