Up Close With Arjo Atayde

by Ellon Labana


Written by RB Jane

“I am too damage Chong on what happen to us!” Straight from the mouth of Arjo Atayde himself.

Enchong Dee, the friendly budgetarian, strikes again. Enchong Dee’s YouTube channel features one of his closest friends in the showbiz world for a sit-down heart to heart talk.

He was born to a showbiz family because of an award-winning actress mother, Sylvia Sanchez, and a beautiful sister Ria Atayde who also into acting.

Although Arjo has a glimpse of showbiz life while growing up, Arjo Atayde graduated college first before coming to showbizness.

The bloodline runs from a great actress mom to her son that Arjo receives good credits in his works and projects not long after joining the industry.

Today, he became one of the most praise actors in his craft.

Enchong shared that two years ago, when both of them attended the star awards, Enchong said Arjo gave him a message.

“Don’t ever doubt yourself, you are needed,  you are a good actor, you are great actor, never ever feel that you are not important.” Arjo Atayde to Enchong Dee.

Asian best actor awardee Arjo Atayde is not just acting to be a humble person in the eyes of his fans and followers nor for a character but a genuinely humble person in real life.

Arjo always gives credit and appreciation to the people behind every character he portrays. He feels that every time he is regarded praises for his work, he is just the face of the fame, but the actual people behind it are the workers who make everything possible for him.

Mr. Atayde stresses his respect for the actors.
“I respect actors because they are actors. I also have this different level of respecting actors because they can deliver or perform.”

Arjo shares the reason why he praises and respects Enchong Dee as an actor.

One of the reasons he gives credits is the actor’s growth and the effective acting that he admits he sometimes forgets that he is watching a friend in a film.

Arjo and Enchong continue to talk about the future, and Enchong digs Arjo for the times he thought of quitting showbiz and what he went through on considering leaving the industry.

To know the complete details, watch this.

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